Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Armstrong High School Cafeteria - Plymouth, MN - Bacon Cheeseburger

This one goes out to the D Lunch teachers table 2014-15.  Well I think just by looking at this burger you can tell it is pure 100% high end beef... well maybe not...  It is not my least favorite burger I have ever had but you can tell these are made for mass production.  I have all the respect in the world for the cafeteria cooks but oh man... the burger was clearly not the freshest.  I am thinking these may start frozen pre-made and then heated up and put out for eating.   The bacon (at least I think it was bacon) was made into a circle to cover the entire patty so that is awesome at least (again hoping it was actually bacon...).   Long story short, I would not say you need to make a special guest appearance at Armstrong High School to try this burger out.

Price: I have no idea... $3 maybe?
Burger: 3/10
Bun: 3/10
Atmosphere: 9/10 - gotta love the lunch table!

Overall: 3/10


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