Friday, October 17, 2014

Burger Jones - Minneapolis, MN - White Trash Burger

Yet another establishment with the word burger in their title.  High hopes were in order for this place as well.  I actually saw this restaurant while driving to My Burger so I decided to go the next day to try it.  I asked the bartender what he liked and he then listed off 3 or 4 and then said the White Trash Burger was the most popular burger so I went with that.  I regret my decision.  There is just way too much going on with this burger that made me both almost have a heart attack and not enjoy the meal.  So whats on this burger?  Deep fried bacon (yep, you read that right; deep fried bacon...) and cheese curds.  I got so overwhelmed with the burger that about half way through I decided to just eat the burger part and I finished the cheese curds separately.  The burger itself was really good so I am planning on making another trip to this place and getting a less aggressive burger.  I think that this is more of a burger you say you ate because of how terrible it is for you rather than something tasty.  One last thing, I did not realize the waffle fries would cost me an extra $3.25 so just a head up on that one (not worth the $3.25 if you ask me).  Note: my rating of 5/10 is with everything on it, the burger alone was probably more of an 8/10 but I am judging the White Trash Burger here.

Price: $14.24
Burger: 5/10
Bun: 7/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Overall: 6/10

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