Saturday, August 16, 2014

Blarney Irish Pub & Grill - Minneapolis (Dinkytown), MN - Garlic Bacon Gruyere

I was here before the Vikings preseason game with some friends (Laura, Alex, Sam and Emily).  The burger intrigued me from the ingredients listed (arugula lettuce, Gruyere cheese, garlic aioli) all making it seem like a classy burger hidden at a college bar.  Well the burger was tasty for sure.  It was cooked Medium (they did not ask how I wanted it but that's how I would have ordered it anyway) and had a little less juice to it then I would have liked.  The garlic definitely took over the taste of the burger a bit though.  I would say this is a solid burger to order if you are ever at Blarney but not something to make a trip just to get.  Overall a decent but not great burger.

Price: $9.75
Burger: 7/10
Bun: 7/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Overall: 7/10

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