Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sunshine Factory Bar & Grill - Plymouth, MN - Bacon Cheeseburger

I decided to give the Sunshine Factory another try for a couple of reasons.  1) I worked there for a summer for Sunday brunch a long time ago so I thought I would give it another chance and 2) One of my students would not let go of the fact that I did not like her favorite burger.  Well, I gave it another chance.  It looked like they had changed buns to me, this one did not look as thick and didn't have as over powering of a garlic taste to it.  BUT the bun was ridiculously hard.  It was so bad about 3 bites in I just took it off and ate the burger.  That was a great idea because the burger and the bacon together were very good.  So, the downside is the bun.  If you like hard buns this may be for you.

Price: $9.95
Burger: 8/10
Bun: 3/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Overall: 6/10

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