Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Nook - St. Paul, MN - The Homer Simpson Burger (Burger of the Month Special)

This burger was flat out ridiculous.  It was a bacon cheeseburger with a glazed donut as a bun.  I did not think the sweetness of the donut would mesh well with the burger but it surprisingly went smashingly well together.  I would say this burger was very good and one of my favorite but it has its downfalls.  Mainly, the extremeness of this burger and all of the calories that I ate with it.  I felt like going into a food comma afterwards.  I do not know if I could eat one of these on a regular basis (maybe the once a year that the Nook has offered it in the past years - it was their BOM for April).  The rating of this burger only falls due to this not being one I could eat even twice a year (ok that is an exaggeration but not by much).  We did get to sit downstairs in the bar next to the old bowling alley.  It was interesting down there, the people were really awesome and actually had conversations with people (when they had time of course).

Price: $9.95 (I think I cannot remember for sure)
Burger: 8/10
Bun: 9/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Overall: 8/10

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