Friday, April 18, 2014

Lions Tap - Eden Prairie, MN - Double Cheeseburger

Delicious.  Not much more you can say than that.  This was a nice greasy burger that is quickly made with love.  They have a very small menu and really stick to what they know (which are burgers).  Once you take a bite, you will have greasy goodness dribbling down your chin but you will be oh so happy about it.  The downside, this is definitely a destination burger.  For most, it is in the middle of nowhere and will take a while to get to.  It is also usually busy but the service is awesome.  Heck, they won't even get mad at you if you spill your Mt. Dew all over the bar (yep, I accidentally tested that theory).  Another downside is that you have to order fries separately.  As most of you already have tried this you will not be surprised that I recommend this most definitely.

Price: $7.45 (Burger Only)
Burger: 9/10
Bun: 7/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Overall: 8/10

1 comment:

  1. I love Lion's Tap! It's right across the street from the farm that I used to sell corn for (if you remember when I did that?) so it's totally not in the middle of no where ;)
