Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sunshine Factory Bar & Grill - Plymouth, MN - Bacon Cheeseburger

I had been to the old Sunshine Factory many times for their happy hour but never had their burger until now.  I understand why no one ever recommended nor talked me into trying these burgers.  First thing I noticed was that the cheese was not fully melted (I don't know if you can see it in the photo).  Yes, this may be very nit picky but it was very noticeable.  Next thing I saw was a huge bun.  I am a fan of thick burger buns as they usually take away from the taste of the burger but I thought I would give it a try (I have been proven wrong before).  This bun was thick and not the softest thing ever.  It also had a lot of garlic on the bun itself... I was not a fan.  The bacon was the best part of this burger, that was done nicely.  The fries were also great and the workers were very nice and welcoming.  I went during lunch when it was slow so I cannot say what they would be like if it was very busy.

Price: $9.95
Burger: 6/10
Bun: 2/10
Atmosphere: 8/10

Overall: 5/10

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