Saturday, May 31, 2014

Victory 44 - Minneapolis, MN - The Perfect Burger

(Picture from - sorry mine got deleted in a phone swap)

When you go to a place and they only have one burger on the menu and its name is The Perfect Burger... well you have to hope that it lives up to the name.  When the bartender brought me the burger he asked if I had ever eaten there before, of course I said no.  He then went on to explain every part of the burger down to where the bun comes from.  I also hate huge buns (as they take away from the taste of the burger) and their bun looked very large.  Luckily it is very soft and almost airy where it does not seem so large when you bite into it.  They put love into every little piece of this burger and most of it is either made in house, or by a local distributor (small business supporting small business).  The only downfall, it is a small coffee shop which is not really my "scene."  Definitely recommend and yes this would be a destination burger!

Price: $14
Burger: 10/10
Bun: 9/10
Atmosphere: 7/10

Overall: 9/10

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