Monday, March 24, 2014

Blue Door Pub - St. Paul, MN - The Blucy

(Picture from - sorry did not take picture of this one)

My first burger of my voyage to find the best burger (well my favorite burger at least).  I had many people recommend the Blue Door to me and I had never been so I thought it was a great place to start.  First off, the place was packed and it was not a large place so I was not very happy with that but it was a good sign that their food must be damn good.  We finally got seated and I ordered what I was recommended first which was the Blucy.  When it came, I could tell I wasn't going to be completely happy.  First, the outside was definitely Well done.  I like my burgers Med or Med-Rare so that was an Uh Oh moment for me right there.  From past experience, I am used to Juicy Lucys being very gooey and cheese oozing out... this was not the case (Note: this was my first Juicy with blue cheese on the inside so that may have been why it was not oozy as Blue Cheese is not really an oozy cheese).  The burger seemed a bit over seasoned as well.  

Price: $9
Burger: 6/10
Bun: 7/10
Atmosphere: 6/10

Overall: 6/10

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